Took this last night and was realy pleased with the result!!


Anyway I wont go waffleing on about Troika apart from its getting very difficult to find good examples on ebay, which the resession biting....sellers are setting unrealistic "reserve" prices on items or selling "buy it now" for silly sums of £1,500!!! Now in a normal world this is what some Troika is actually worth! but in a resession world you would be lucky to get £300! for a good piece...this is why I have decided to collect it now realy as its a buyers market!
In other news, my Dyson broke (hardley news worthy but I was so annoyed) well the drive belt broke, so it had to be fitted with a new one...I am on a cleaning spree at the moment to get the house absolutly spotless for Christmas! Which includes tackling the kitchen too, not that its much of a mess as I tend to clean up as I go cooking wise!....Derek is off today as he promised he would take around Mum's old rocking chair to her, which has just been sitting a little forlorn in my guest bedroom! She also wants an old cupboard that is sitting in my garage but we have no way of getting that in the car so will have to hire a van...and I hae to get up to the pet shop for some more fish food.
Exciting stuff eh?????