Any one who runs a pub will know just how hard it is to get a night off, but this is the story of how I met Derek and our rather odd engament!!
Back in October 1993 I was running a pub called the Rifle Butt, with a gay friend (the pub has now changed its name to the Heat of Duston) and I managed to wrangle a night off from my 70 hour a week was a chilly Thursday evening as I remember, waiting at the bus stop for the bus to take on on the short ride to Duston village. At one point I looked up and saw two very bright shooting stars, one after the other, and they were quite beautiful, anyway the next thing I was on my way to and my favorite local, the Melbourn arms, for a busmans holiday of several pints of real ale, that was not my own!! LOL!! I am not realy sure why I liked the Melbourn as the landlord has a smile for no-one and was a huge "Hagrid" type of a man. For some reason the place always smeeled of a mixture of gents toilets and disinfectant, but after a couple of pints you seemed to get used to it!!
The place did have a lovely warm real fire which I sat at sipping my pint and reading, when suddenly one of my regulars called me over to the bar for a chat (infact I was just about to go home) His name was Brian, and such a very colourful character he is too. He could tell tales better than the Brothers Grimm, but it was pleasent to chat to someone...Then it of those classic "eyes across a crowded room moment" except it was me that was doing the eyeing, while the absolutly gorgeous guy I was looking at was not looking back at me, and happily chatting to his friend, laughing and enjoying his pint!!
"Oh my God!!!! He is gorgeous!!!" I suddenly said without thinking....Derek had a look about him not unlike the looney David Koresh who died in his church at Wacco, that same year. Derek had curly, auburn brown hair, silver rimmed glasses, and a ready smile! Now most ladies would not have given him a second glance I guess but I have always had this "thing" for guys with curly hair and glasses!! I have no idea why!. Any way Brian answered "Who?"...I had no option now as I had to tell him.
"The chap at the bar with the curly hair and glasses!"
Quite suddenly Brian burst into laughter, and for a moment I felt quite humilliated...."Thats my cousin, Derek, I will introduce you!"...."NO!!!!!!!" I squeeked like a scared mouse and dashed off to the ladies in a fit of embarracement! I dident realy want to go so I just sat for 5 mins and smoked a ciggie, and already I could feel myself blushing. After a short while I decided to beat a hasty retreat only to find my way blocked by Brian and the much talled Derek. I was shaking and I could feel my cheeks burning. But soon relaxed as we got talking and he was teeling me all about the traveling he had done. I was intriguied to hear about his 3 month cycle trip across Canada, and trips to Asia...and then he dropped a bomb shell and said he had plans for a two year trip around Asia next year.....GREAT!!!!!!!!!!! i WAS THINKING....I find the man of my dreams and he is an addicted traveller!!!....well the rest is history as you all know he took me with him...but our courtship was not without hassle. His Mum, Rosabella!!! A tiny red haired lady who was a very strict Catholic, and so was Derek!! Now I am a Methodist (not by choice I was just baptised a Methodist) and when she found out I suddenly became the Devil incarnate!!! She made it known too!! and ofcourse because I ran a bar, made me out to be a total tart!!! She hated me with a vengence!! So mine and Dereks realationship was a long one. While on holiday in Kerela, India, the poor lady died in hospital, and naturally Derek was heartbroken, and we flew home straight away. Not long after Derek asked me a very strange question....
"If I proposed to you, how would you like me to do it?"
I thought he was joking, but he was serious! ....errrr....was all I could manage for the moment and then I suddenly said "on a 747-400 on V1-Rotate take off"....actually I was joking!!
6 months passed and we were on our way back to Bali, Indoniesia, for a holiday, ironically on a Singapore airlines 747-400! but at the time I had forgot about the engagement question...we boarded, pushed back and taxied to the end of the runway, where the engines started to build power, before take off (if you have never been on a 747, take off can be quite unnearving realy) eventually we were rummbling down the runway....still on the ground gaining speed....and rummbling, gaining more speed, and it seems like an age when you reach V-1-Roate (Captains commit to fly) and feel a gentle bump as our giaint swan glided gently into the sky....
"Will you marry me!"
Derek said quietly, as he opened a ring box with a sparkling diamond and emerald (Irish) engagement ring!
"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I squeeled and threw my arms around him as he tried to push the ring on my now word had got around the cabin that an Engagment had just been announced, and we got congratulated by what seemed all our fellow passengers. The cabin crew presented us with a bottle of Champagne and real glasses (would not be allowed today) and suddenly the Captain announced it over the tannoy!!!!
"I would like to announce the engagement between passengers, Derek Harrison and Victoria Short, and offer congratulations from all our crew"..........
At this point I bolted down the isle to the toilets locked myself in and cried like a baby!!!!! With happiness, as I had never been so happy in all my life!!
By the time I composed myself my eyes were all red and puffy, but I left the toilet only to find a small selection of passengers and crew by our seats with yet more congratulations!!! Needless to say I began crying again...silly mare!!

A Singapore Airlines 747-400 on take off!!

Photobucket other news!!!
My last Lodge meeting was brilliant, and very unusual. Because several Masters were off with cold and other things I was very honoured and privlegded to be asked to take the roll of the Inner Gaurd, and had to wear a beautiful collerette regaillia!! I also had to speak in Lodge for the first time as I had to make sure we were gurded. Normally entered apprentices like me are not allowed to speak in open lodge or vote. So this was a real honour for me, and some jolly good learning too!!!
Much to my delight I was also told I will be going onto my second "fellow craft" degree in October!! (quite quick for our Order) so I will be studying hard.

My ebay dealings are bad again!!! I sold a new pair of Peter storm hiking boots for 99p last night!! *cries* and yet I have made £50 on a set of dolls...weird eh!?
Oh and two days ago I lost one of my diamond stud earrings, and went beserk about it, but I have not found it...the day I lost it was the same day I was washing and preparing my swimming pool, drying it and making it ready for the summer...I had a break on my laptop and felt the lobe of my left ear only to find a butterfly attachment and no earring, blooming thing was real diamond too!!
Still....things are sent to try us, I suppose....

back soon
love Vix x