My Fantails are at it again this morning and I am even considering separating them to give poor Hermionie a break...the only thing is she seems to like the attention and keeps flashing her tail at the boys!!! What a tart!!! I think the brief warm spell here may have triggered these passions, but I am not going to save any eggs this time as brining up baby fry has been a lot of hard work and indeed heartbreaking when they die! I currently have 7 fast growing babies and I am happy with that...I have to go and meet mum later on today but I may well do a small water change on the tank to lower the temp and calm their romantic hearts...Well what do you do with anything randy??? Poor a lot of cold water over it!!!! LOL!!! methinks the same applies to my fish!
Well I grabbed a little gem of a bargin on ebay yesterday!!...and no, for once it wasen't Troika!
When I was a child I had a thing for paperweights and had a collection of about 20, which have all been lost in various moves at some point...Now the Prince of paperweights has to be the "Caithness" paperweight and in normal times these can sell for anything up to £200!!! I saw this delightful piece yesterday and it is a Caithness intitled "Saracen" so yesterday evening a placed a small bid, only to find this morning I had acctually got the paperweight!!!! My bid had only been a miserly £14 so I expected to be outbid very easily on this. Now I dident wait up for the gorgeous weight to finish as it was some un-Godly hour in the middle of the night...but this morning I had a "pay now" next to the item in my-ebay!
Yay!!!!!!!!!! I am well please with this delightful bargin, and here it is!!


3 more parcels to post today, and I am meeting Mum!
The only thing is I am not realy making much on my ebay sales realy!! I have noticed though that ladies boots from Primark are selling realy well on ebay so I might buy some today to sell on there if they are cheep enough in the shop! Mum loves Primark...and she loves Wilkinsons too, but in Northampton the two shops are about a mile apart which realy takes it tole on her old legs, bless her! So we will perhaps have a break at Gregs for a tasty and warming pasty, between both shops!
Oh and I am waiting for my latest Troika vase to be delivered well as a little somthing for Dereks Christmas stocking!!

back soon x