Absolutly awful news this evening, in that after 99 years of retail Woolworths is to finally go out of buisness!!!
Such an awfull shame that we have to loose this iconic, British chainstore!!
In Warrington, where I was born, Woolworths was very much a part of my childhood, and Mum took me there shopping at least once a week! In the early 70's the Warrington shop had a whole floor just devoted to toys, and it was like a kiddies paradise! and has graced me with some superb memories of the toys and the pick and mix (which my Dad used to love!) so I shall be so sorry to see it go...Our store hear in Northampton though has not been up to scratch for a long time though and their sellection of WHO merchandise has been absolutly dreadfull! (another reason I stopped collecting) I got one or two bargins only in there in the last 5 years, and I certainly found better deals in Woolworths in Southport, Manchester, Liverpool and Ormskirk!...I feel so very sorry for those Woolworths employees who have to loose their jobs at this time of year!! Its heartbreaking!! This recession realy is biting much more badly than we think...In Northampton retail outlets are closing by the dozen, and its now commen place to walk down Abington street past lots of empty and closed shops!...a little selfish I know, but I am glad I no longer work as a retial manager as I used too, because in the current climet I may well have had another nervous breakdown!!
Anyway, to take the sting of this terribly sad news, I have dug up this old Wollies Christmas ad from 1981, to see if anyone remembers it!!! This amazingly catchy tune "Have a cracking Christmas" realy got stuck in my head when I was 14, and even found myself humming it at School!! LOL!!! Also it was ablaze of stars of the time such as the Goodies, Anita Harris, and Windsor Davies, among others!! Looking at the prices and the old games is fun too!!
Hope it cheers you up this evening!!