
To be honest its been coming for a few days now, with coughing sneezing and an itching at the back of my nose...but yesterday I saterted being violently sick, felt all hot and cold all over and was sweating like I had been locked in a sauna!! Every single muscle aches in my body, so I guess this is my punishment for going out into the sales and taking bus rides with loads of people coughing and sneezing!...Anyway I ph oned NHS Direct ( and dispite what folks say about them they are brilliant) and give thm my details and then they phone you back in 15 mins for a chat with a specilist nurse! I told her my symptoms and because of the aching muscles and the vomiting she said it was flue and I should check with my Doctor...No a chance!!! I 'aint siting about my Doctors surgery collecting even more germs from strangers, but I have had flue before so I am self medicating with Asprin, gallons of fluid, and Barocca for my lost vitimins, but how to stop being sick I have just no idea!
You see, flue is a virius so it constantly changes, hence ther is no known cure! The only helpfull thing is t drink tons of water, juice, cordial, tea,....back soo, but I realy do feel terrible..........