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View Article  Derek has MAN-FLU!!
....And my poor little love is driving me BONKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It began 4 days ago with the usual symptoms of flu and then he passed out twice in the bathroom and I almost called the Doctor untill he appeared to be getting better, sitting up in bed, but he wouldent eat anything and even half a bowl of soup made him feel sick!!! So I gave him some dry bisquits and he nibbled on them for a few days...I have been out shopping for him every day, walking Sirius more than I normally do, and running up and down stairs like some wild Banshee taking him and fetching him things. Needless to say I have been so exhausted at the end of each day I have been collapsing in bed and sleeping like a baby!! He appears to have the Gastric flu that I have had, but I recovered in just 3 days!! This morning, however, he looked a lot better and has even had his normal breakfast but as soon as I suggested going into town he said "No!!! I will drive you to Morrisons" to which I responded "well if your fit enough to drive your fit enough to walk Sirius!"... "Oh no!!!" he moaned! "I am not up to that yet!!"..."well I am going to walk Sirius and go to town on my own then, because if your not fit enough to take a simple walk around a park for 15 minuits, your not fit enough to drive! What happens if you faint at the wheel????" I retorted!! to which he threw a wobbly and bounced up stairs, and sulkily got back into bed! When I got back from walking Sirius I asked him if he wanted another Lemsip? But he just ansewered with a blunt "NO!!!" ....now why is it when chaps get ill they make such a song and dance, drama queen act out of it????
Good grief!!!!
I just have perhaps a day or so in bed and then get on with things, if I am bad, as do most women I think...and then I will just moan about it on here!! LOL!!!
Well all I can hope is that he gets better soon, and gives me a break!
View Article  OMG....I LOVE MY LAPTOP!

This morning I nearly threw my lappy through the window when I switched on and the"configuring updates" thing kept repeating itself and would not even let me log on!!!!!!!! This lasted for nearly two hours so I decided to do a full systems diagnostics which took over two hours and I had to compleatly wipe my "C" drive so basically I lost everythig!!! all my passwords, pictures, music, EVERYTHING!!! and then to my horror of horrors I realised I lost my Virgin broardband wireless connection too!!!!
*screams, stamps feet and throws a wobbly"
So next I raid Dereks office for the Virgin media paperwork which I found....tried half a dozen potencial passwords to get me re-connected, all to no avail...so eventually I resorted to the phone to talk to someone in tech support, only to be passed from piller to post and ended up talking to a lady in India. Now I have visited India about 5 times and consider myself fairly good at understanding even the thickest Indian accent, but this woman, I could not understand what so ever, and I am convinced she was swearing at me influent Urdu!! so as I just could not understand a word she was saying I felt the advice she was trying to give me a bit pointless, so I cut the conversation short and decided as a last resort to go back to my Eathernet cable and hay presto!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A MAGICAL BROADBAND CONNECTION!!!
Anyway folks, untill I am fully up and running again, properly things might be a bit slow around here!

Please wish me luck!
luv Vix
View Article  A French Docror Who.......??
While I was waiting alone in a darkened anti-room at my potencial Masonic Lodge, the door opened slowly and a very familier head poped in........

"Hello I am the Doctor!!!!!!!!"

Naaaw!!!!! just kidding folks!! LOL!!!

But the guy who entered the room, who was peticioning to join the lodge just like me was the ABSOLUTE SPITTING IMAGE of David Tennant!!! Goodness konws what the look on my face must have been like but I felt my face blushing furiously!! "Hello, lovely to meet you!" I said as we shook hands and he said like wise in a heart melting French accent!!
Had I died and gone to Heaven, or what????
It turned out we were joining at the same time and we were left alone for to get to know get to know each other for about half an hour....it turned out we had much in commen, like travel and even a love of Dr Who and just like me he is not too keen on Torchwood because of its occasional adult content! He is originally from Montpellier in France and used to work in London but hated the hussle and bussle and the transport hassles, so he moved to Luton and now teaches French at a Collage there. Slightly younger than me as it turned out at age 38 but looked much younger. We had a great deal to chat about, but a bit embarracingly our conversation was not very Masonic!! Eventually we were intoduced to the Bretherin and then the Grand Master and a great feast followed on a long table with the Grand Master (who is a lovely lady) at the top of the table and I had the honoured place next to her...as the food was passed around I was offered a seafood salad, now not a lot of you know I am allergic to shellfish (apart from small shrimp) but not wishing to offend my delightful hosts I had a tentive spoonfull of muscles with rice...but OMG did I suffer on Sunday!!!! I could not stay off the toilet and had a raging body temp of 101.5 F (almost 39 degrees C) ...I think if there is a next time I will politly refuse!! LOL!! I managed to get my temp down to almost normal by drinking lots of iced fluids and stripping down to my underwear while wiping myself down with a cold face cloth and taking Ibprofen.
Anyway, when it came time to say good bye I kissed Claude (Mr Tennant) on both cheeks French style to be polite and bid him a "Au revoir" which seemed to impress him I think...The next stage will be a more formal interview, before I am balloted on...I realy hope with all my heart I am inniciated as they seem like lovely people with superb standards, and I felt much welcomed!!! I will let you all know if I make it to Apprentice Mason but I wont be able to go into much detail about it, sorry....
Now I must get back to another rehydration powder!

love vix
View Article  My application to become a FreeMason!!
Some of you may remember that I mentioned my interest in FreeMasonry a while back and now I have decided to take that plunge!!!

Are there women Freemasons, I hear you ask????

Well yes, there are many branches of ladies Masonry, two of them being Co Freemasonry and the Order of the Easten star which I think is strictly ladies only....I have chosen Co Freemasonry as it has mixed lodges of both men and women, and my nearest lodge is in Hardingstone which is not far from me and called Lodge Mercury!
Yesterday I had a meeting with a very important Gentleman and it was very interesting...I can't write most of the content here though because of the secrecy code. But he was very kind and explained a lot to me!!. Freemaonry appeals to me because of its good values of:

* Brotherly Love

* Relife

* and Truth in all things

and I firmly belive it will make me a better person!!
I will freely admit I am not the nicest of people as I have a "big mouth" and tend to speek my mind nearly always, which can upset folks, but my life has been far from perfect and in my early 20's I went though Hell!!!! I "was" like a loud mouth chav who I can only compare to being a mad Rotweiler!!! As I have grown older I calmed a lot and dont let things bother me too much, But as this Gentalman said yeterday "We take good people and make them better people" Also I have great interest in the history of Freemasonry such as the first Crusade, Knights Templer and the building of King Solomans Temple, so I know I will find it very interesting!
I have a meeting with the Worshipfull Grand Master on Saturday and I am hoping all goes well...I am told she is a lovely lady and I should be welcomed!! But I am still nervous but excited at the same time!
I am so sorry if this news upsets some of you as I know freemasonry is not everyones cup of tea...but belive me its not a secret society or a sect or a cult of any kind!! Take a read about it on the internet, and I am sure you will develop some understanding, of what I find I need to do!
This is the link to my Co Freemasonry page, so please have a read!...but please remember I could get "black-balled" and if that happens I will be refused admission, but if this happens, I have the conslation that at least I have tried!


I feel I am about to take one of the most exciting journeys of my life!!

love and hugz from Vicky
View Article  Tommy Cooper...LIVES!!!!
Some jokes to brighten your day!!!


I met this bloke with a didgeridoo and he was playing Dancing Queen on it.

I thought, 'That's Aboriginal.'


This lorry full of tortoises collided with a van full of terrapins. It was

a turtle disaster.


I told my girlfriend I had a job in a bowling alley. She said 'Tenpin?' I

said, 'No, permanent.'


I went in to a pet shop. I said, 'Can I buy a goldfish?' The guy said, 'Do

you want an aquarium?' I said, 'I don't care what star sign it is.'


I bought some Armageddon cheese today, and it said on the packet. 'Best

before End'


I went to buy a watch, and the man in the shop said 'Analogue.' I said 'No,

just a watch.'


I went into a shop and I said, 'Can someone sell me a kettle.' The bloke

said 'Kenwood' I said, 'Where is he then?'


My mate is in love with two schoolbags. He's bi-satchel.


I went to the doctor. I said to him 'I'm frightened of lapels.' He said,

'You've got cholera.'


I met the bloke who invented crosswords today. I can't remember his name,

its P something T something R.


I was reading this book today, The History of Glue. I couldn't put it down.


I phoned the local ramblers club today, but the bloke who answered just

went on and on.


The recruitment consultant asked me 'What do you think of voluntary work? I

said 'I wouldn't do it if you paid me.'


I was in the jungle and there was this monkey with a tin opener. I said,

'You don't need a tin opener to peel a banana.' He said, 'No, this is for

the custard.'


This policeman came up to me with a pencil and a piece of very thin paper.

He said, 'I want you to trace someone for me.'


I told my mum that I'd opened a theatre. She said, 'Are you having me on?'

I said, 'Well I'll give you an audition, but I'm not promising you



I phoned the local builders today, I said to them 'Can I have a skip

outside my house?' He said, 'I'm not stopping you!'


This cowboy walks in to a German car showroom and he says 'Audi!'


I fancied a game of darts with my mate. He said, 'Nearest the bull goes

first' He went 'Baah' and I went 'Moo' He said 'You're closest'


I was driving up the motorway and my boss phoned me and he told me I'd been

promoted. I was so shocked I swerved the car. He phoned me again to say I'd

been promoted even higher and I swerved again. He then made me managing

director and I went right off into a tree. The police came and asked me

what had happened. I said 'I careered off the road'


I visited the offices of the RSPCA today. It's tiny: you couldn't swing a

cat in there.


I was stealing things in the supermarket today while balanced on the

shoulders of a couple of vampires. I was charged with shoplifting on two



I bought a train ticket to France and the ticket seller said 'Eurostar' I

said 'Well I've been on telly but I'm no Dean Martin.


I phoned the local gym and I asked if they could teach me how to do the

splits. He said, 'How flexible are you?' I said, 'I can't make Tuesdays or



I went to the local video shop and I said, 'Can I borrow Batman Forever?'

He said, 'No, you'll have to bring it back tomorrow'


A waiter asks a man, 'May I take your order, sir?' 'Yes,' the man replies.

'I'm just wondering, exactly how do you prepare your chickens?' 'Nothing

special, sir. We just tell them straight out that they're going to die.'


love vix x
View Article  Remember to look after our feathered friends in the cold!!
There is about a foot of snow outside my door at the moment and I am worried that the birds are having a hard time finding food in all this snow!! Thankfully its not this bad all over the country but around here its like the arctic!!and I am not kidding...if you have a 99p shop or a pound shop or even a Wilkinsons near to you its easy to find and buy "bird balls" which are specially designed for all types of garden birds and are filled with fat which is what they need in the cold! Also they enjoy any kind of nuts or specialist bird feed, pet food (for eat eaters like Magpies, Crows, and Rooks) and another good one is cut up bacon rind or just bacon fat which any kind of bird will enjoy!!. Plus you get the added benifit of watching which type of birds visit your garden (if you have one) and if not there is always the option of feeding birds at your local park.

In other news we took mum shopping today and she said "oh I just want a few bits from Tesco" and came out with a trolly overflowing with goodies...but to be fair she can't get out because of the bad weather, but she knows I am always here to fetch her some shopping or even a newspaper. I finally convinced her to get a walking stick and she admitted today its very usefull. Also her washing machine has broke so I am doing all her washing to the extent my dining room looks like a mad persons laurndrette!!!...and I have an important person visiting me this week to help me in a new venture (I can't say much more) and I just hope he sticks to my much tider livingroom!!
Won a nice auction tonight for a rare Sylvac piece which I should make a good profit on....we shall see but I got it for about a 3rd of its proper value!!

Anyway, please look after your garden visitors!...they will return in spring and thank you with their beautiful songs!

Vix x
View Article  Mummers dance....again....
new pix though.........quite boring realy.........

Rate this performance at The Sims On Stage
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About me!!.......... Barm pot, and Tudor history obsessive! Travel addict who has authored articles for Lonely Planet travel guides, namely Everest Base camp trek, and has written for the Travel Trade Gazette! Dr Who manic weirdo, widely outspoken!! Expert Port artist and perfected in the arts of sprouting crap and making strange observations! Passionate lover of horror movies and science fiction. Freemason and proud of it! Loves all the arts and sciences and all things Masonic! Often has difficulty in making sense due to huge amounts of said Port! Enjoys cooking! Is an active member of PETA and IFAW and campaigner for animal rights. Collector of odd looking Troika pottery. Owned by a huge furry French Sheep dog called Sirius and bonded in matrimony to quiet, non drinking university educated, hippy backpacker and banker, Derek F. Harrison! has no sprogletts! and is now a lounging, lush lady of leisure!!