While I was waiting alone in a darkened anti-room at my potencial Masonic Lodge, the door opened slowly and a very familier head poped in........

"Hello I am the Doctor!!!!!!!!"

Naaaw!!!!! just kidding folks!! LOL!!!

But the guy who entered the room, who was peticioning to join the lodge just like me was the ABSOLUTE SPITTING IMAGE of David Tennant!!! Goodness konws what the look on my face must have been like but I felt my face blushing furiously!! "Hello, lovely to meet you!" I said as we shook hands and he said like wise in a heart melting French accent!!
Had I died and gone to Heaven, or what????
It turned out we were joining at the same time and we were left alone for to get to know get to know each other for about half an hour....it turned out we had much in commen, like travel and even a love of Dr Who and just like me he is not too keen on Torchwood because of its occasional adult content! He is originally from Montpellier in France and used to work in London but hated the hussle and bussle and the transport hassles, so he moved to Luton and now teaches French at a Collage there. Slightly younger than me as it turned out at age 38 but looked much younger. We had a great deal to chat about, but a bit embarracingly our conversation was not very Masonic!! Eventually we were intoduced to the Bretherin and then the Grand Master and a great feast followed on a long table with the Grand Master (who is a lovely lady) at the top of the table and I had the honoured place next to her...as the food was passed around I was offered a seafood salad, now not a lot of you know I am allergic to shellfish (apart from small shrimp) but not wishing to offend my delightful hosts I had a tentive spoonfull of muscles with rice...but OMG did I suffer on Sunday!!!! I could not stay off the toilet and had a raging body temp of 101.5 F (almost 39 degrees C) ...I think if there is a next time I will politly refuse!! LOL!! I managed to get my temp down to almost normal by drinking lots of iced fluids and stripping down to my underwear while wiping myself down with a cold face cloth and taking Ibprofen.
Anyway, when it came time to say good bye I kissed Claude (Mr Tennant) on both cheeks French style to be polite and bid him a "Au revoir" which seemed to impress him I think...The next stage will be a more formal interview, before I am balloted on...I realy hope with all my heart I am inniciated as they seem like lovely people with superb standards, and I felt much welcomed!!! I will let you all know if I make it to Apprentice Mason but I wont be able to go into much detail about it, sorry....
Now I must get back to another rehydration powder!

love vix