Following lots of informative chats, my introduction to the Bretherin at Lodge Mercury and my formal interviews, I am set to be Initiated into my First Degree of Entered Apprentice on this Saturday, at the UK's head office of Co Fremasory, Lodge Golden Rule in Surbiton, Surrey!!
My heart is all butterflies!!!!!!!
I feel so very honoured and indeed privledged that both my Lodge (Mercury) have accepted me, and that my Initiation should take place at Lodge Golden Rule! Normally an Entered Apprentice will be initiated into their "Mother Lodge" which is in my case Lodge Mercury, but I am so very humbled to have been chosen to have my Initiation at this wonderfuly Grand Temple!
For those of you that don't know, my journey into Freemasonry actually began about 37 years ago, while as I child I was totaly fascinated by my Uncles Masonic stories of King Soloman and his Temple. Now this fascination stayed with me all my life, and when I was dreadfullly ill at Christmas, I began thinking...I am not getting any younger (non of us are) and if I don't petition to join now, I basicaly never will, so there and then I made the decision. Following my joining a Masonic internet forum, I recieved lots of help and encouragement, and was pointed in the right direction so to speak by a lovely lady and the next thing I knew I was invited to the Lodge and was made to feel so very welcome that I felt I had known these lovely folks all my life!! My mentor (Jounior Warden) had me laughing while I was helping to tidy up after our delightful dinner with his "this is the ritual of the stacking of the tables!!" and the whole evening was so friendly I dident realy want to leave!! Anyway, today I realised that the week was getting on so I made a phone call to check if all had gone well with my ballot and if there is anything else I needed to know or bring with me. I was absolutly delighted when I got a lovely phone call back saying all was well, and my Initiation is to go ahead!
For a long time now I have felt there were stitches missing in the fabric of my life, and I filmly belive my journey into Co Freemasonry will help me compleate myself, so to speak. My only regret is that I did not do this 20 years ago!

In other news!
Where has everyone gone???...or have I got boring LOL!! SORRY!!
but I have noticed my blog is still getting plenty of hits so I hope some lovely folks out there still reading!
For the future I promise to not waffle on about Troika pottery and the such-like...*hides* I have got a wee bit boring of late, but the old Vixter is still here and I promise lots of posts on very varied subjects in the future, even if I am on a soap box or moaning! but thats just me! ...Ok, I am going off for some celebratory Port now, and a bit of a light supper the moment I am watching the story of Wendy Richards battle with cancer and its reminding me of my Dad's final battle with this horrible I might have to watch something cheerful on DVD later on. Poor Wendy. She was a brilliant Star...
Ok, Sirius has just reminded me that its "milk and biccies" time, and my fish need feeding!

Love to all, and have a nice evening!