Well I am glad I gave this a jolly good rest, but now is the time I shall re-open my blog, however commenting will remain disabled and stuff posted here will be carefully maintained so as not to reveal "personal" thoughts or feelings. Those posts will be on my *private* blog which is active but can only be accessed by invitation only. In other words I must know you personally!! If I dont, access wont be granted, sorry!
So whats been happening?
Well Derek and I had a fantastic time in the Snowdonia national park, and my masonic convention in London went very well indeed!! It was a very long weekend and I was absolutly shattered when I got home late on Saturday. It was also the first time I have attended a Scottish Lodge which I felt was a special privledge...I have also been delving much deeper into Masonic study, which has included Sacred Geometry and is a subject of amazing fascination that it just blows me away!!! Anyway I have no idea at the moment when my Raising will be, but I want to be fully prepared in mind and spirit to be able to take my Sublime Degree. I still need to work on my F.C. Obligation and the questions though, but I am getting there!!!
Anyway, thats it for now!
If you do wish to comment here I will need to approve it, personally, otherwise all comments are blocked!
If you wish to drop me an email I am still on vixtravels2@hotmail.com

Nothing will be posted here that I deem *private*

Lastly, this is MY BLOG!!!
If you dont like anything I post here my advice is: Dont visit and don't read it!!!...simple!!