You know I often blog about the weird and wonderful but this one has me stumped....maybe because I actually like the weird and wonderful, or maybe I am just intriegued by the "weirdness" of people, but here goes........

At my last Lodge meeting, myself and a fellow brother (Lady) were chatting as we often do about the paranormal. She is a Wiccan, I am not, but I do have a very deep interest in the wiccan and pagan religions!....For my part, I consider myself to be a moderate christian, but my interest in all things paranormal and indeed, hard fact science has often left me questioning myself. Like a pure and simple hard science "fact" is that human eyes and ears can only see and hear a tiny window in electro-magnetic spectrum, so basically we can't see and hear almost 95% of things going on around us!! and that is without going into the world of ghosts and aliens. Its just a fact! a bit like a dog whistle....dogs can hear it because they have a wider range of hearing, we as humans cannot....ok, dont know where I am coming from??? Neither do I most of the time. But my point is what we hear and see around us is NOT the full picture!!!
A few weeks ago I got some magazines for mum and one "spirit" magazine for myself, and right on the back page was the "Noises from Hell" story. I read it with interest, and did a little research on the internet, and discovered this story was actually an urban hoax...This was the story I releated to my brother at the Lodge, and she said she had never heard of it. It concernes a deep drilling expedition in Siberia which began in the early 70's and by the early 90's they had drilled as far as 10 miles deep. As the story goes, the drill bit started spinning very fast, as they had hit a pocket in the earths crust, and suddenly the heat was registering up to 2,000 degrees!!! They lowered specially cooled microphones into the 10 mile deep hole, to listen to the sizemic movements in the earths crust, and what they *supposed* to have heard was a very creepy noise of human voices, screaming!!!!

Here is a clip of the sounds which lasts just 19 seconds, before the microphone melted in the is CREEPY!!!

Hope that dident spook you to much!!
Now I have listened to this several times, trying to figure, with an open ear and heart, and it just sounds like the noise in a night club with the music turned off...I remember years ago at Mr Smiths night club! I would stay untill the end and when the music was off and the bouncers moved in, the noise was very close to this. But curiosity made me dig a little deeper, and sound scientists in Singapore have ripped this recording to bits and can come up with no explanation as to what it is, other than that is is human voices and it is genuine!! Next I moved onto the debunking theories....internet folks just love to "debunk" things, in other words, prove something is a hoax. Anyway most of the debunkers say its simply a christian group that came up with this idea to make people belive in Heaven and Hell, and christianity, out of fear!!! But my question here is WHY??? Its such a strange and weird story...did a christian just jump out of bed one morning and say "Hey!!! were going to make a tape of people screaming from under the earth, to make people belive in Hell!!!" me that dosen't make much sense, and as I dug a little more I found people of other religions debating if this was genuine or not! Hindu, Muslim and Jewish forums mostly, have all, to some degree discussed this story. But to me (a bit like Dr Who) I would like to know if there is a scientific explanation for these sounds? Like I said in my openeing paragraph, we as humans can only see and hear a tiny degree of the spectrum. So considering the medium change of the earth (as sounds are different underwater) the earth would change the frequency of sound waves. Like centuries ago when approaching armies could be heard by "putting your ear to the ground"...Its food for thought, I think. But I am very interested to know where these sounds originated from! As the story of the drilling in Sibiera concludes, hardened scientists refused to work on the site after this episode, and today it is closely guarded by the Russian military! I have creeped the pants off you!!....

Some updates!!!
I am so sick and tired of the cold weather I have been poking around the met office site looking for a good weather day...and its TODAY!!! well for here it is anyway! So I have fired the spa up and its currently at 29 degrees. By 1pm it should be up to a gorgeous 38 degrees, and then I shall bask!!
Yesterday I gave it, its first proper clean! as in filter, tub, lid, drained and replaced about 50 litres of water, tested and took me most of the morning, but its sparkling now!! In the evenings I have taken to the tub nude, as I think this will help it keep clean as there is no build of muck I might have on a swimming costume...and my gazebo does keep it very private! ;)

...eagerly awaiting tonights "Who", and see you soon!!
Vix x