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View Article  Hot tub/jacuzzi/spa...things to consider before you buy!!
Some friends of mine, on a spa forum have expressed an interest in getting a hot tub following my expierence of getting one!!
Now its really lovely to lay back in hot bubbles in your garden of an evening, with a glass* of wine....BUT and its a big but, please consider these several points before you spend your hard earned cash on one!!

1: Where will you put your tub?...The best place for any hot tub is in the garden preferably on a good, solid concreate patio area (where I have mine) What must be considered here is the full weight of the hot tub which can be extreamley heavy. I have heard horror stories about people installing a 10k jacuzzi in their bathroom only to have the floor cave in under the weight. You must remember that your tub will weigh about 5 times the amount of your bath or more!! Folks who do install them in bathrooms, will almost certainly have to spend a small fortune on having the floor reinforced with steel!!!

2: Do you have time to maintain your tub once it up and running?...Hot tubs can be VERY time consuming as regards to hygiene and heath and safety!! Bugs like "legionaires" just love to party in your tub!!! Think about it!! Warm and wet is the perfect enviroment for them, so you have to wage a veritble war on the little buggers, so your tub dose not become a cess pit of disease!!
Daily: wipe tub and cover with a clean cloth, use an aquarium brush to clean the tub inside. Run the filter for half an hour to filter out residue. Clean filter in fresh water!! Test the PH of the water with a test strip and if the ph is to high or two low, adjust acordingly with chemicals! Add chlorine or bromine, if the level is too low! (DO NOT USE CHLORINE OR BROMINE TOGETHER)
Every week, clean the filter and every month change the filter compleatley for a new one. Change the water every 3-4 weeks and leave in about 2 inches of original water so you do not have to "shock" your tub with too much chlorine (when you first fill your tub you must shock it with a huge amount of chlorine, to kick start the cleaning process. You only need to do this once though!

3: Costs?....ok so you have laid out thousands for your posh tub...but wait....Have you considered the running costs?
I have only had mine for 3 months and already I have managed to double my electricty bill!!! I have had to cut down to using it once a day, and only turn it on at 4pm to begin heating for the evening! Hut tubs EAT electricty, if your not careful!!! Another consideration is the chemicals you have to buy for your tub and water maintinience. These include: pH plus, pH minus, chlorine (hot tubs EAT chlorine!) and De-foamer. You also must buy water test strips for testing, and learn how to read them properly! Reading test strips incorrectly, and you could turn your tub into an acid bath!!! Another consideration is your water bill! Hot tubs generally hold on average 1,000 to 2,000 ltrs or more and this ammount of water can cost a fortune if you change it too often. With careful water maintaining and a good, regular cleaning routine, and your water can be pristine and crystal clear every time you use it! I change my water about every three weeks, and am happy to say my tub water is perfect!!

4: Safe bathing?....so you have your water to perfection with a good hygiene routine, and you have your first "bubble session" ahhhh luveeeryly!!
Please note!!
Hot tubs can cause DISEASE!!!
Some of the little beasties are "hot tub lung" and "Foliculitus"
Grousome picture below is Foliculitus caused by a badly maintained hot tub/jacuzzi!!

photo from skincare13.wordpress.com

This disease is caused by bugs crawling into the base of you hair folicals and infecting them!!
NOT NICE!!! but the result if you don't clean and maintain your tub properly!!

Needless to say I did about 6 months research into them before buying mine. I figured that if I did something wrong or didn't understand something properly it could cost me a fortune!!! But as I find, there is more to damage to your health than your tub!!

Notes on safe bathing!
*NEVER take anything glass into the tub!!...if this shatters or breaks, shards can get sucked into the filtration system and cause irreparable damage!! use only plastic cups and things suitable for the spa!
NEVER let children under 12 in a tub, unsupervised!!
When at all possible bathe nude!!...I say this because bugs and germs can build up on swimwear and even freshly washed costumes can still have traces of washing powder on them which can effect the water quality, badly!!
NEVER wear make up, skin cream, perfume or any other beauty product when using the tub!! This too can upset the water ballance, and the overall cleanliness of the tub.
NEVER drink to access or take drugs while using the tub!!! Hot bubbly water makes you very sleepy!!! its VERY dangerous!!!
NEVER have anything electrical near the spa such as radios, tv, mp3 etc: Use waterproof electricals ONLY from a reputable supplier!!
NEVER overload your tub with people!! Think of all the unseen germs on everyones bodies and it will take you ages to clean!! Plus this will put extra strain on your spa's pump and it may burn out giving you a heafty cost for repairs. If a tub's instructions say "max 6 persons"...make it max 5, and so on!
NEVER have your tub too hot!! Your spa should have a digital temprechure display and thermostat (mine has). If not, you must use a thermometer and make sure the spa is between 35 - 42 degrees...anything hotter could burn you or you could pass out!! Be Aware!!

Saying all this though, having a tub can benifit your health greatly, if you have blood circulation problams. Hydro thearpy is fantastic and you really feel invigorated when you get out....But for such pleasure, it goes hand in hand that some very hard work must be done too!
However, if all this sounds too much perhaps consider a whirlpool bath? Much smaller and cheeper cousin of the spa with no chemicals and you change the water every time!!

I hope this info has been usefull to potential tub-uzzi-spa owners :) x
View Article  BEST advets on telly!! (current) top ten!!
Yes!! another list!!

I do rather a lot of the worst this and that, but this morning I have decided to do the best current ads on telly!!
Since Christmas rubbish selections, there have been some good ones, I think!

1: Five alive dancing Dodo!!

2: Diet coke "Maniac" dancing puppets!!

3: O2 rubber duck pool party!

4: Anchor butter Cows in Factory making butter!

5: Specsavers shearing sheep dog!!

6: Avon youth Emulsion!

7: Cows undercover Milka ad!

8: Cravendale time travellers!

9: Yaun Sheet!!!

10: Neurofun funny little monsters!!
View Article  My new Telescope!!!
Here he is!!! *grinns*


Its a new "Phenix" 6 inch (150mm) Newtonian, reflecting telescope with a focal length of 750 mm which is going to be perfect for my deep space observations, and even Derek is interested in this from a photographic point of view as photography is his main hobby!!
My passion for astronomy began as a child when my dad took me out into the garden at night when I was 4 or 5 years old, with his binoculars to look for the infamous Comet Kohoutek!! From that moment on I was obsessed and saved up for my first telescope when I was 10. This was a tiny 2.5 inch reflector but it was better than binoculars and I got amazing views of the moon and planets, as well as fuzzy looking galaxies in Orion's belt! My bedroom had been packed with astronomy books during this time, and I spent many nights observing and keeping notes in a note book. As I grew up and other elements of my life took hold, I kind of left my love for astronomy on the door-step of my childhood home. Now it appears that I am going to have to dust off those old cob-webbed memories of how to observe, and start a fresh in this exciting hobby!! As a Fellow Craft freemason its my duty to study the 7 arts and sciences of which astronomy is one....When it arrived yesterday the massive box weighed an absolute ton, this is by no means a small telescope and even the scope counter weight weighs in the region of 30lbs!!! It took me about 30 mins to assemble which was fairly easy as it was just like my smaller version only on a much larger scale!! and I didn't miss Coronation Street!, but its taking up a massive space in my dining room!! Any way, I can't wait to try it, but this is realy the wrong time of year to observe. Winter is far better with darker and clearer nights and Derek even suggested we take nightly drives into the country to observe, where there is no light polution. This might be a bit difficult because of the size of the thing. Even taking it off the huge tripod it would only just fit in the boot!!

In other news!!
Because of the gorgeous warm weather at the moment the spa isen't taking as long to heat up in the evenings so now I only put the heater on at 4pm for my night-time bubble session. Last night it was a baking 41 degrees!!! Almost TOO hot!!
Recently I bought a couple of spa acessories: The first being a folding, hanging camping shelves for hanging my flip flops up in...Sirius has a very puppyish habbit of running off with my flip flops when I am in the spa, so this idea is to stop him. Its also a good place to keep my glasses and other bits. Secondly I bought a cast iron book holder so I can read my books while bubbling away in the tub. At the moment I am reading Alison Weir's "Six Wives" AGAIN!! But I really do need to finish Phillipa Gregory's superb "White Queen" also. Oh and I got some tent curtains for the gazebo so its totally private for nude bathing! This is more healthy for the water as it keeps it cleaner!
Ok, need to hop off now and brush up on my astronomy!!
:) x
View Article  36,000 people "rubish" Stonehenge!!

Sorry but this is a rant one!!

Several years ago Derek and I found the time to take a 2 day trip to this awesome 5,000 year old monument on Salisbury plain!! It had been a superb but cold and windy day, and as visitors we could only follow the path of the visitors trail which is at quite a distance from the monument itself. It was a day to be long remembered and we took many photos!
Today on the BBC news there was a report from Stonehenge, about the summer solstice event and as the camera man panned away from the reporter to view the site it was indeed a dreadfull sight!!! Tons of rubbish had been left behind by the revelers making this monument look like some kind of landfill!!!
Its an absolute disgrace that English Heritage allows these folks "inside" Stonehenge (where as ordinary visitors must stay on the visitors trail) let alone, use the place as a rubbish tip!!! If any of these so called druids really cared about Stonehenge, they would respect it and take their rubbish with them. They clearly don't care about this wonderful place!! But I suspect that the "real" druids do care about Stonehenge! Its the bad apples at the bottom of the barrel ie: hippys, drop outs, low lifes and no-lifes that have caused this filthy rubbish...English Heritage really need to pull their socks up on this one, and allow only genuine druids into the monument itself, and keep the weirdo's and their rubbish at a distance. This is a neolithic, bronze age monument that should be highly respected, and indeed revered! This is also an ancient burial ground of our English ancestors!! How would the average person feel if someone tipped a load of rubbish on a grave of their family members?? Sorry but its practically the same thing!!! Think of this another way. If this had been an ancient monument or building in, say, Indoniesia, India or Thailand you would be arrested from dropping a ciggie butt let alone tons of litter!! People in these countries respect their ancestors, highly, as well as the things they built, and as such this would never happen...but in England, soft handed folks like English heritage just let these oddballs disrespect our ancient heritage and turn the place into a virtual landfill, while they quietly move in afterwards and perform a clean up. I wonder how many drug needles the cleaners of this site find?
Something MUST be done about this disgusting, filthy behaviour!!! These folks insult our history and piss on the very graves of our ancient ancestors!!!...they should be, at worst deeply ashamed, at best arrested, and given community service picking up litter, to teach them a lesson!!
Sorry...very angry about this...

*makes tea to chill out*
View Article  What the heck was all that about...?
For once I am going to divert my blog from the usual, science, nature, history or moaning and write about last nights awful England Algeria match at the world cup footy game!!...The lazy, almost drugged up performance of the England players is certainly blog-worthy!!

Yesterday, I had a more or less lazy day, cooked a light lunch for mum and me, but I was preparing for last nights game...as in not watching it!!
Mum left about 4.30pm and I flicked the spa on to warm for 9pm, washed up, and got Dereks tea ready! By 7pm I trekked upstairs to watch Eastenders and the superb Queen Victoria documentary, flopped lazily on the bed with Sirius. Sirius appears to be sick and tired of the football too, as he stayed upstairs with me for most of the night, bringing me his favorite toys and laying on his back for tummy tickles. By 8pm I was hearing very loud *F* expleatives from hubby down stairs, so bad I had to go down to him to see what was wrong. At first I thought our telly had broke!!...Derek was sat in my reclining chair, onto his his second can of bitter, and his face was like thunder!! As I watched the game I realised why...Very lazy players (England) trotting after the Algerians, seemingly not giving a monkeys about where the ball was, let alone getting it into the net. Dereks language was not pretty and he was clearly not enjoying this. For a time I left him too it, and went to check on the temp of my spa, which was a disapointing 35 degrees. It was a cool evening and the spa was strugling to reach a nice hotness, so I put a blanket over the lid as this helps with heating. Eventually Sirius followed me back upstairs but I had been thinking about that awfull game, and curiosity got the better of me and I turned the upstairs tv onto ITV to watch and see if the second half had got any better!!....Errr NO!!! To be honest , here I have seen sunday park 5 a side games played better than England last night. I could hardly believe what I was seeing, let alone contemplating how much the superstar player earn in comparision to the Algerians. Perhaps it was the weight of their pay packets slowing them down, I was thinking! Or perhaps it was the fact that the WAGS had flown out to join them that they had been distracted. However, this was not a team game! This was simply a farce!! England fans were understandably angry as most had forked out an absolute fortune for air tickets and acomodation, as well as the cost of tickets to the game itself. If it was me, I would have felt cheated!
At 10 past 9 I eventually gave up on this pathetic attempt at football, and trotted off downstairs for my spa. It had only reached 37 degrees at this point and not my prefered 39, but I still had 15 minuites bubbling away, sending clouds of steam puffing out of my gazebo! Sirius sat next to the spa looking out at the birds in the garden. At least the hoover type noise my spa makes drowned out Derek and his effing and blinding. I am not a fan of football, but I could hardly blame him...England had indeed played half heartedly, at best!
The England team don't deserve to wear their 3 lions shirts, or their mind boggling pay checks...they have let their fans down too!!
Do they realy deserve even a chance at the world cup? I think not!!

Can't wait for the Dr Who finale tonight!! ;)...and I can watch this down stairs too! ;) x
View Article  Sun storms?....should we worry?
Ok, so we have all heard the waffle about 2012 and the end of the world, but have we ever really, deeply thought about what "might" happen?

Our nearest star, the sun, is asleep at the moment, but just a couple of weeks ago it gave out a loud snore which sent a barrage of solar wind in our direction!! Fortunatly nothing untoward happened and we have been used to these solar hiccups for as long as man has been on earth. But we only need to look at our sister planet, venus, to see what could happen to our home if we had no electro magnetic shield to protect us. Venus is a burning, greenhouse, fireball with a atmosphere that is 90 times more dense than our own! The suns deadly rays constantly fry the surface of venus and because of the dense atmosphere the rays are trapped, hence the greenhouse effect to its extream!! We are protected by our electro magnetic shield, which is generated by the iron core of the earth, but reading various reports and trying my best not to look at the scare-mongering stuff, our shield appears to be shifting and weakening. Now this is worrying as our sun is about to "wake up" from its 11 year slumber, and this time NASA has predicted it is going to wake up VERY p***ed off!!!!...and the worst solar storms for centuries are set to hit our home planet, due to our sun having a major hissy fit!!
Now the thing is, these storms have been hitting us every 11 years since time began, but consider this? Only now do we have super fast communications and technology, power systems, and ultimatly electricity, that will all be susceptible to the sun's waking rage! Consider world wide power outages, and the effects on the economies on this planet? We are in a bad enough state as it is, without our sun making it worse for us. But because of NASA and it recent announcment, things are set to get a lot worse! I remember back in 2003 when we had the last solar storms and there was major blackouts across Canada! It was also a nightmare to watch TV as I remember sky went down, and even when it was working the tv would flicker and cough, and be almost impossible to watch. Derek had asked what had been wrong with the tv. Solar flares, I explained. To my amazement my university educated beloved replied "Dont be daft!!! That can't be effecting our TV!!" ...but I am sorry to say, I was right. In 2012-13 we might be worrying about a bit more than flickering TV pictures! Major power outages could be possible as our sun throws out highly charged bursts of solar flares in our direction. These big flares (they have a fancy name that I can't remember just now) are magnetic and this is what could effect earths electricty supply, by actually melting transformers! Not nice!! Its possible that we could be without electricity for days, but is all this just scare-mongering. To be honest I think some of it is and some of it isent, but the problem comes when sorting fact from fiction, when there are so many differences of opinion by scientists. Personally I believe NASA! in the fact that there storms are due to be the worst for 50 years or more.
So should we worry?
Not really....whatever will be, will be, as the saying goes, and I don't believe we have the power to change the fate of our planet!
I am waiting for the delivery of a new 6 inch reflecting telescope, and I will be looking at the sun's active sun spots, and maybe even posting findings I make on here (if any!) Sun spot activity is a sign that the sun is about to go into a very active phase, so at the very least this might be helpfull in predicting when solar flares are likely to happen. As a side note NEVER look directly at the sun!!!! To view the sun with a telescope you must use white card to reflect the image! I have been doing this since I was a teenager with my old 3 inch telescope, so am well practiced in doing this! and even the image reflected on the card will be bright enough to hurt your eyes so I wear sun glasses to view the card....
Anyway...I hope this has been food for thought!
What will I do to prepare for 2012?
hehehehehehe....going to stock up on tons of candles, methinks! ;)
View Article  Awesome Saturday...quiet Sunday!!
My nerves were building from last Friday!
Friday night I could hardly sleep!
Saturday afternoon I caught my taxi to my lodge!!

At about tea time I was passed to my fellow craft, the second degree of Freemasonry!!

The ceremony was amazing!
There was non of the teasing I expected from my fellow bretherin, except a joking remark about goats, of which my brother got a very knowing look from me and a grin! I had heard this one before! There are no goats in masonic ceremony!! Its quite laughable really, but this roumer came from non masons trying to make sense of the G.A.O.T.U which actually means "The Great Architect of The Universe"....still I was nervous though. Who wouldn't be? But I entered my lodge with an open heart and mind and when the time came I was asked to leave and prepare by my Right Worshipful Master, and at this point I exited the lodge and changed into the same kind of thing I wore for my initiation. Pyjama like top and pants with velcro fastening, so I could show the various bits of flesh required for the ceremony, like my knee, chest ect. I had to change the top twice though as it was too small, and at this point I was hurrying as I didn't want to keep the bretherin waiting.
What followed was a little like my initiation, but the lodge seemed to be buzzing with spirituality as I took my vows and pledged myself to seek knowledge trough the arts and sciences. When the time came I was clothed in my new apron, now with two blue rosettes to the left and right corner, and as we closed and left the lodge I was congratulated with many kisses and hugs from my fellow brothers!! It was wonderful and I felt like I was on some kind of high, and this feeling continued right into Sunday as I tried my best to let the expiernce sink in!! The only thing that blighted my day was the sodding world cup!! Derek had said he could only pick me up at 7pm, just as our festive board was starting, so I had to leave! Making a short speech of thanks and apologiesing for the fact I had to leave, I made my way out to Derek waiting in the car!! It was heartbreaking to leave but it was either that or I would have to pay £20 for a taxi home!!
Derek and I had made a pact over the world cup!
He would only watch the England matches down stairs and the rest he would watch upstairs, and I am happy with that. But Saturday evening was the England match, and I endured most of it because my hot tub was heating up, and it only reached 38 degrees at 9pm only 20 mins before the match was due to finish. Eventually I switched on the bubble button, before I sank into bubbly hot steamy water, up to my ears, and happily contemplated my "passing". I stayed in the tub for half an hour, sipping port and lemon! Sirius came out to see me, and sat on the grass bit in the gazebo almost as if he was guarding me, or making sure I was ok. Sirius had obviously been upset that he had not seen me all day, as when he did see me he was all over me, licking, whimpering in pleasure with a madly wagging tail. I had missed him too!!
Later I had climbed the stairs, marginally sloshed, and went to bed leaving Derek to his footy, which he watched well into the night....Sunday was very quiet! We had an early morning drive and then lunch and Derek retired to the bedroom to watch 3 footy matches and formula 1. He came down to walk Sirius in the early evening, and the went back to watch more footy highlights. Personally I hate the world cup and football in general...but I am not complaining as Saturday was my day!!! Its just a shame Derek was not there to witness it!!
Later on Sunday I was told by a fellow brother via a masonic forum:
"You were awesome!...by the way you conducted yourself today, you will make an excellent ritualist in due course!! Congrats!"
This comment left me with a huge grin on my face and a heart bursting with joy!! :)
View Article  My top 100 music track of all TIME!!!
Lists!! I adore lists, and I have probabally even done this one before, but hey, the old age is setting in and I get forgetful...well thats my excuse anyway!!!
Before I start I have omitted to add some of my favorite music from the world of opera and rock-opera, and even my adored "Jeff Waynes War of the Worlds!" Instead I decided to concentrait this list mainly to single tracks or the old 45 rpm singles. Some of them have a very personal significence, some have a meaning attached for me, and others I just love...please pardon the eclectic taste listed below, but if it has a good beat, a good base line and awesome harmonics...well I love it! This is an "all time" list so some tracks are from the early 70's, also I have not included my current favorite track which is...my current favorite track is the Red by Jaylib...you may recognise this from the socialite rubber ducks O2 advert!

Trixivilles all time TOP 100!!! (in reverse order)

100: Thunder in the mountains - Toyah

99: Swords of a thousand men - tenpole Tudor

98: Child in time - Deep Purple

97: keep on loving you - Reo Speedwagon

96: Automatic lover - D Dee Jackson

95: Waterloo - Abba

94: My sweet Lord - George Harrison

93: Land of make belive - Bucks Fizz

92: Cheery Pie - Warrent

91: More than a feeling -

90: Step on - Happy Mondays

89: All together now - The Farm

88: State of Independence - Donna Summer

87: Alright - Pet Shop Boys

86: Prince Charming - Adam and the Antz

85: Metal Guru - T Rex

84: The Whistler - Jethro Tull

83: Big Wheels - ELO

82: Sex Machine - Carter USM

81 Ebaneza Goode - The Shamen

80: Ride a white swan - T REX

79: Fashion - David Bowie

78: Next is the E - Moby

77: Eve of the War - Ben Lierbrand

76: There's more to love - The Communards

75: Mr Blue Sky - ELO

74: Radio Ga Ga - Queen

73: Close to the edit - Art of noise

72: Blue Jeans - Neil Diamond

71: Bad - Micheal Jackson

70: Jurrassic Park - Weird Al Yankovic

69: Confusion - ELO

68: I wanna be free - Toyah

67: Wandering star - Topol (first song I ever remember hearing as a baby!)

66: The tide is high - Blondie

65: Star - Kiki Dee

64: Sit Down - James

63: Ride on time - Black box

62: 21st century man - ELO

61: Another one rides the bus - Weird Al Yankovic

60: I want to break free - Queen

59: Rockin all over the world - Status Quo

58: Road to nowhere - Talking heads

57: Mamma used to say - Juinor

56: Eldorado - ELO

55: 7 Tears - Goombay dance band

54: In the air tonight - Phil Collins

53: Hammer to fall - Queen

52: Mirror man - Human League

51: Syncronicity - The Police

50: Riders in the sky - The Shaddows

49: Sooner or later - Jeff Lynne

48: Never can say goodbye - The Comunards

47: Another brick - Pink Floyd

46: Belive me now - ELO

45: Dr in the Tardis - KLF

44: Big Time - Peter Gabriel

43: Give you devotion - Nomads

42: Photograph - Def Leppard

41: Your Should be dancing - The Bee Gees

40: Fascination - Human Legue

39: Two Hearts - Phil Collins

38: Dont you want - Felix

37: Waves - Blancmange

36: Stargazer - Rainbow

35: Sacrifice - Elton John

34: Native Love - Divine

33: Smoke on the water - Deep Purple

32: I travel - Simple Minds

31: All night long - Rainbow

30: Naked in the rain - Blue Pearl

29: Reputation - Brian Spence

28: Could you be loved - Bob Marley

27: Things can only get better - D-ream

26: Renaissence - M-people

25: History - Micheal Jackson

24: Face of the waters - Moby

23: Pride - U2

22: Comment te duie adure - The Communards

21: Beautiful People - Marlyn Manson

20: Cracklin' Rosie - Niel Diamond

19: In the shadows - Rasmus

18: Redemption Song - Bob Marley

17: I surrender - Rainbow

16: Shine a little love - ELO

15: Tear us apart again - Joy Division

14: Living on the ceiling - Blancmange

13: Take me away - Time Frequency

12: Any road - George Harrison

11:Be with you - Attomic Kitten

10 Video - Jeff Lynne

9: Not gonna get us - Tatu

8: Off-shore - Ciccaine

7: Crazy - Seal

6: Can I play with madness - Iron Maiden

5: Anthem - Moby

4: Inner Smile - Texas

3: The Mummer Dance - Loreena McKennit

2: Twilight - ELO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1...................Is below!!!

Moby and "Hymn!!! this is my dream!!" *taps feet happily*

This is my JOINT number one........WITH!!

Club Country by the associates!!

May god rest Billy McKenzie x
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About me!!.......... Barm pot, and Tudor history obsessive! Travel addict who has authored articles for Lonely Planet travel guides, namely Everest Base camp trek, and has written for the Travel Trade Gazette! Dr Who manic weirdo, widely outspoken!! Expert Port artist and perfected in the arts of sprouting crap and making strange observations! Passionate lover of horror movies and science fiction. Freemason and proud of it! Loves all the arts and sciences and all things Masonic! Often has difficulty in making sense due to huge amounts of said Port! Enjoys cooking! Is an active member of PETA and IFAW and campaigner for animal rights. Collector of odd looking Troika pottery. Owned by a huge furry French Sheep dog called Sirius and bonded in matrimony to quiet, non drinking university educated, hippy backpacker and banker, Derek F. Harrison! has no sprogletts! and is now a lounging, lush lady of leisure!!