
Sorry but this is a rant one!!

Several years ago Derek and I found the time to take a 2 day trip to this awesome 5,000 year old monument on Salisbury plain!! It had been a superb but cold and windy day, and as visitors we could only follow the path of the visitors trail which is at quite a distance from the monument itself. It was a day to be long remembered and we took many photos!
Today on the BBC news there was a report from Stonehenge, about the summer solstice event and as the camera man panned away from the reporter to view the site it was indeed a dreadfull sight!!! Tons of rubbish had been left behind by the revelers making this monument look like some kind of landfill!!!
Its an absolute disgrace that English Heritage allows these folks "inside" Stonehenge (where as ordinary visitors must stay on the visitors trail) let alone, use the place as a rubbish tip!!! If any of these so called druids really cared about Stonehenge, they would respect it and take their rubbish with them. They clearly don't care about this wonderful place!! But I suspect that the "real" druids do care about Stonehenge! Its the bad apples at the bottom of the barrel ie: hippys, drop outs, low lifes and no-lifes that have caused this filthy rubbish...English Heritage really need to pull their socks up on this one, and allow only genuine druids into the monument itself, and keep the weirdo's and their rubbish at a distance. This is a neolithic, bronze age monument that should be highly respected, and indeed revered! This is also an ancient burial ground of our English ancestors!! How would the average person feel if someone tipped a load of rubbish on a grave of their family members?? Sorry but its practically the same thing!!! Think of this another way. If this had been an ancient monument or building in, say, Indoniesia, India or Thailand you would be arrested from dropping a ciggie butt let alone tons of litter!! People in these countries respect their ancestors, highly, as well as the things they built, and as such this would never happen...but in England, soft handed folks like English heritage just let these oddballs disrespect our ancient heritage and turn the place into a virtual landfill, while they quietly move in afterwards and perform a clean up. I wonder how many drug needles the cleaners of this site find?
Something MUST be done about this disgusting, filthy behaviour!!! These folks insult our history and piss on the very graves of our ancient ancestors!!!...they should be, at worst deeply ashamed, at best arrested, and given community service picking up litter, to teach them a lesson!!
Sorry...very angry about this...

*makes tea to chill out*