A very big pet hate of mine!!

This week is the 25th anniversary of live aid and I hopped over to youtube to watch some live aid footage to remind me of the time many years ago that I watched this event in a Warrington town centre pub, with a very good friend of mine!! Jane and I were both 18 and mildly drunk on halfs of cider and black, but had an excellent day out!! (yes...at 18, I was a lightweight!!) I vividly remember Quo doing "Rocking all over the world" so I tapped this into youtube search for a bit of nostalgia!...and indeed did other searches for bands that took part. Now attached to my laptop is a small but rather powerful, ipod docking port which doubles as computer speakers for me. Several vid's almost blasted my speakers to bits and yet other ones I could hardly hear!! For a time I thought I was either going deaf or there was something up with the docking port! NO....its simply annoying youtube sound levels. and its make even worse wearing headphones. With all the techy stuff we have today, surely youtube could have a standard sound level adjustment??
The same thing happens on TV!!
Who on earth has not noticed that adverts are so much louder than the programmes?
Gold and Watch channels are the worst culprits of this, I think!
Now think about it for a second....we, as the human race have advanced to put man on the moon, fly 8 times the speed of sound, connect live, instantly with others around the world and launch probes to other worlds and yet we must suffer from overly loud adverts as apparently there is no technology in existance to adjust sound levels on tv and computers without actually, physically turning the volume up and down..?? Ok, perhaps I am just too lazy to use the volume controle, but you would think with all the advancement we have today, such a thing would exist!! or perhaps I am just getting old and grouchy (lol) and a wee bit deaf after all my time dancing next to 10 zillion megga watt speakers in Mr Smiths club for many years!! or listening to my Sony walkman casette at full volume!! No, its just annoying geeks who can't be bothered with such a thing as standard sound level adjustment software!! If anyone has ever heard that such a thing exists, please email me!! I would pay good money for it!!