Ever since I was a child I have not been a good sleeper...but I have always slept better with some form of furry friend on the bed, or other. So since we got Sirius I have always allowed him to sleep on the bed (which at first Derek thought was odd but soon got used to it.) Now firstly let me explain about my bed. Its a super-king size which means its about 7 foot wide (getting dovet covers for it is a pain in the arse so I make them!) Now surley this size of bed would fit two adults and a huge daft Briard cross?? But no!! Sirius has a habit of stretching out lengthways between me and Derek and fully stretched out he is about 5 foot long!!...Last night I woke to about 3 inches of bed to move on at about 4am. This had woke Derek up too, neither of us had any room and my lovely doggie was lying fully stretched out with his huge paws in the air, blissfully snoring! anyway I took hold of his front paws and tried to move him to a better position only to recieve a deep growl "Oi!! you can pack that in!" I told him and tried to move him further...the next thing I knew was he went for me, nastily, and bit my hand!!!....Sirius has never bitten me before! so at first I was quite shocked and tapped him on the nose and said "Naughty!!!" but I think Sirius is getting a bit two bossy for his huge furry paws! So pulling back the covers I got up and pulled him off the bed, onto the landing and shut the door!!!! He knew he had done wrong and I dident hear another peep out of him....recently Sirius has got very bossy for some reason and I think its becuase he is so used to getting his own way. If he wants somthing he will "paw" you and whine and bark untill he gets his way, so drinking tea and having a buscuit is vertually impossible to do in peace! If he is in the car with me and Derek and he decideds he wants to sit on my knee so he can stick his head throught the window, he will whine and bark from the back seat untill I let him! Now imagin a 30kg dog on your lap in a small car!!! Its not a nice expierence! So basically last night I just snapped with his "I will get my own way" attitude, just to remind him that his is NOT the boss!!...Anyway this morning he has been very quiet and subdued so I am hoping he has learned his lesson.

In other news, my "stolen" photos on iXtractor have now been removed, thank goodness! I had a curt email from them this morning saying so, so at least thats a bit of good news. Mum came for dinner yesterday and brouht us another home made Victoria Spong and some of her bread, which I was very pleased with. But Derek has not been well for a few days now and yesterday I found out exactly whats wrong with him. Yesterday when we got up he looked like the Elephant mans twin, becuase all the right side of his cheek was dreadfully swollen and he admitted he has a nasty tooth absess! Its quite normal when Derek is ill that he wont talk about it, and he haden't talked to me about this lastest illness. He just skulked around the house all weekend, moaning and growning, and he has even said he wont go to the Doctors or Dentist to get some antibiotics saying it would cost a fortune! Rubbish!!! He is just being a typical bloke who is ill!!! in other words a pain in the arse!! LOL!!!!!!!! the only thing Derek is realy suffering from is "Grumpy old git syndrome"
Off to twon later for some solitary peace and shopping! x