
Of Troika that is as I have just listed my first peice for sale on ebay!
Its a nice, classic piece, coffin vase designed by Alison Brigden who was one of Troika's top artists in the late 1970's...Now the question is "will I make any money on it?" To be honest I choose this piece because it was my cheapest piece to date coming to mummy (me) for the princley sum of £85!! I have been busy listing other things too like some Dr Who videos, a 7 cassete lot of William Hartnell with a free gift and I had take piccies of other things I was going to list untill I realised that, listing things today means a finish day on Christmas Day!!!!!!!!! Arrrghhhhhhhh!!!! so I stopped listing for now as I dont think for two minuits folks will be looking for stuff on ebay on Christmas Day!! OMG I am dumb somtimes!!
*slaps head*
I have also listed my treasured collection Henry's six wives by Regency Fine Arts! Now this set orignally cost almost £500 about 10 years ago and its condition is pristine so I have started them at £69 with a "buy it now" for £250...I just hope the people that might bid on these dolls realises how valuable they are. What ever (if any) money I make on them will be going toward a Troika face mask which is the rarest of the rare! One sold yesterday for only £715, when at auction it could have fetched double that! Sadly I cna't aford that kind of money at the moment but I am working on it!!