Some of you may remember that I mentioned my interest in FreeMasonry a while back and now I have decided to take that plunge!!!

Are there women Freemasons, I hear you ask????

Well yes, there are many branches of ladies Masonry, two of them being Co Freemasonry and the Order of the Easten star which I think is strictly ladies only....I have chosen Co Freemasonry as it has mixed lodges of both men and women, and my nearest lodge is in Hardingstone which is not far from me and called Lodge Mercury!
Yesterday I had a meeting with a very important Gentleman and it was very interesting...I can't write most of the content here though because of the secrecy code. But he was very kind and explained a lot to me!!. Freemaonry appeals to me because of its good values of:

* Brotherly Love

* Relife

* and Truth in all things

and I firmly belive it will make me a better person!!
I will freely admit I am not the nicest of people as I have a "big mouth" and tend to speek my mind nearly always, which can upset folks, but my life has been far from perfect and in my early 20's I went though Hell!!!! I "was" like a loud mouth chav who I can only compare to being a mad Rotweiler!!! As I have grown older I calmed a lot and dont let things bother me too much, But as this Gentalman said yeterday "We take good people and make them better people" Also I have great interest in the history of Freemasonry such as the first Crusade, Knights Templer and the building of King Solomans Temple, so I know I will find it very interesting!
I have a meeting with the Worshipfull Grand Master on Saturday and I am hoping all goes well...I am told she is a lovely lady and I should be welcomed!! But I am still nervous but excited at the same time!
I am so sorry if this news upsets some of you as I know freemasonry is not everyones cup of tea...but belive me its not a secret society or a sect or a cult of any kind!! Take a read about it on the internet, and I am sure you will develop some understanding, of what I find I need to do!
This is the link to my Co Freemasonry page, so please have a read!...but please remember I could get "black-balled" and if that happens I will be refused admission, but if this happens, I have the conslation that at least I have tried!

I feel I am about to take one of the most exciting journeys of my life!!

love and hugz from Vicky