How sick is this?
A well known collumist for the Sun and the News of the world uses the horrific story of Raoul Moat and the sick facebook page "RIP Raoul Moat you Legend"...TO DEMONIZE SMOKERS!!!!!!!!!!!

I quote:

*****SHE stood there, fag in hand, blowing smoke, declaring how incredibly funny it was that Raoul Moat had managed to hide from the police for a whole week.*****

Carole Malone is taking about Siobhan O'Dowd who began the sick facebook page "RIP Raoul Maot you Legend"
What Miss Malone fails to adress is the fact that Siobhan O'Dowd is a very stupid, brainless chav, not worth commenting on in the first place!!!
Its thanks to collumists like her and the media in general that made that sick facebook page so popular in the first place!! Good grief, is there no common sense in the world?
Now normally I read the Telegraph because its interesting and focuses on world events much more than other papers and infact reading this paper became a habit while traveling as you are given it free on most long haul flights...but occasionally I will decend to the tabloids and when I do it always annoys me in some way or another. Such as the News of the world, today on its paper website has no less than 4 stories on Jordan (Katie Price) alone!!! I really don't give a F*** what this waste of human existance is doing in her love life or elsewere! She is just a freaking Barbie doll!!! Surely there is more news worthy stuff out there...and then I get around to Carole Malones page and nearly fell off my chair when I read the first sentance of her "story". What the hell was she thinking? I will tell you what she was thinking..."Ohh having a jolly good whine about a sick face book page will make me look good in the public eye, and while we are at it, I shall demonize smokers so that everyone believe its only smokers who have the intelligence level of Siobhan O'Dowd...I'm sorry but Carol Malone has just proved she has the same intelligence level as the sick mare who started the facebook page in the first place!!! I know I have moaned about the anti smoking brigade more than once, but this sinks to a new, more sinister level, and I find it more than a bit creepy. Its thanks to people in the media, like her, that law abiding smokers like myself face abuse from strangers in the street, because all smokers are obviously stupid, inconsiderate chavs who blow deadly smoke into everyones faces!! Carole Malone needs to wake up and live in the real world, a world where todays smokers (like myself) try their very best to not let their enjoyment of tobacco infringe on any non smokers beautifully clean air!!This collumist actually thinks its trendy to demonize smokers, when we are just human beings like the rest of mankind, but we happen to enjoy tobacco!! What happened to tolerence!!? I would say to Miss Malone, why not turn your talents (if she has any) to more comment worthy articals instead of just writing what you think the sheeple will enjoy? Why not write on the Burkah debate, or how the coalition govenment is going to claw back the massive debt that Labour left us with? Yes there is indeed much more to the world than some thick woman who starts a stupid facebook page!! I mean its not as if the page is still on line! It was taken off on a few days ago! so why is it comment worthy? Collumists like her need to buck up their ideas and do some research into subjects before they start using horror stories to yet again demonize smokers! The media made this page as popular as it was, and even I who use facebook most days, did not know of its existance untill it popped up on the national news!! So I did indeed look at the page in disbelife!!.....and its crackpot author just "happens" to smoke!! WOW!! that must be comment worthy, Miss Malone!! I have skipped your page often, but I will be totally ignoring it in future!
As a side note I have left a comment on her page, which is heavily moderated by the way.....let me comment wont be published!!

*makes pot of tea.......lights up!*