This morning I realised I was about to run out of ciggies and as the local shop is miles away I decided to get the bus into town and get some at Sainsbury's...what I haden't realised was that today the gods were against me shopping!!
I have a terrible phobia of escalators which was brought on by that dumb escalator information film from the early 70's, so I got the lift up to the second level of the Grosvenor center via the New Look shop. My eye was caught by a huge display of bikini separetes and eagerly I stalked over to have a butchers, lead on by a huge pink sign announcing "20% OFF!!" ....Great!! I was thinking as I began to shuffle through the hangers to find styles I liked. As I ususally find, sizing is my problem, and most of the sizes were a tiny 8 and 10. However I am a 16 top and 14 bottom!! Everything was jumbled up and I would find a top in my size that I liked only to be dismayed when I found the matching bottoms were a size 10!! Time was getting on and my bus was due in a few moment so I hurridly decided to buy un-matched separets!! Afterall they are only for the spa. If I want to show off on a beach (not that I would) I would wear my Ed Hardy swimsuit. Anyway I came to the counter with 3 tops and two bottoms. To start with I nearly fainted at the price!! £58!!!!!! (what had happened to the 20% off) I asked the sales assistant if that was right and she said yes, pointing out that the sale things were not the designer items I had chosen!! "Well they were on the same rack!" I had exclaimed. Well I decided to keep my items but I was not happy about being charged the full price when a sign above the rack clearly said 20% OFF!!! I may not shop there again, methinks!!!
Later while hanging about in line for the bus, I had began to wish I had got a taxi back as the pungent smell of old people wafted in my direction!! I love old people as they have fascinating life stories to tell, but this bunch of four realy were NOT fragrent!! To top this the bus was late arriving, and then he parked in the wrong bay!!
On getting home I inspected my purchases and to my horror of horrors I found one of my black bikini bottoms was not a size 14..... it was a f**king SIZE 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......Unbeknown to me, I had gone on the size it said on the plastic hanger and not thought to check the size in the garment itself!!! Crikey I have not been a size 8 since I was 25!!!! and would certainly not even get one bum cheek in the bloomin' things today!! Well I can't even be bothered taking them back, and besides, I am a dab hand with a sewing machine, so I will cut the tops of the legs and make ties for them.
In other news:
On Sunday me, Derek and Mum took a drive to our local garden centre and I was delighted to find two tea candle lantern holders on 4 foot poles, and these were in the sale!! They make a wonderful addition to my spa zone and look really pretty when lit!! I suppose they will look better when the nights get darker. Also I have decided to collect the Royal Dulton limited edition "Henry and six wives" set as an investment! My first piece which I sniped at 5 seconds is "Anne Boleyn" for a bargain price of £133!! (worth about £200 at auction) and she arrived today! I am delighted and the piece is exquisite! Now I have 6 pieces to go!! However, I am a wee bit worried about the cost as a Catherine of Aragon piece from the same set just sold for £350 on ebay!!!
Lastly, last night while I was listening to my ipod in the spa, I got an annoying voice on one track saying "this is an illegal download" over and over again, and I can't see how the heck I picked it up as I don't use illegal downloads! *scratches head* So I spent the morning, today, trying to trace this rouge file and I think I have now deleted the right for tonight, well the usually bubble session and port at supper time!! :)