In contrast to yeaterday's miserable, moaning post!!
100 THINGS I LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

1: Derek, my mum and my dog, Sirius!

2: my friends!

3: Animals (all mostly!)

4: Music (anything from the Sex Pistols to Handel)

5: Dr Who classic series

6: Jon Pertwee, God bless him!

7: Marc Bolan, God bless him too!

8: walking and hiking!

9: world travel of any kind

10: Troika pottery

11: Tudor History

12: realy decent sci-fi horror fiction or film

13: anything colourful, I adore bright colours and hate wishy washy pastals!

14: Calem white Port or a good vintage red

15: my nightly bubble-baths!!

16: ELO! I will always love this brilliant band!

17: India!!

18 favorite island in the world!

19: the change of the seasons!

20: smelling morning due on the grass after a night in the tent!

21: traveling overland!

22: tea candles

23: Beautiful smells like jasmine and orange blossom

24: writing

25: playing Mah Jhong with Derek as he is a sore looser!!

26: Good debate!

27: cute sniffer dogs at customs!!

28: cuddling up warm and cosey on cold winter nights!

29: Prada perfume!!!!!!!!

30: Gary Oldman the actor!

31: Firetrap shoes!

32: watching Derek put up the Christmas decorations! (he is 6 foot 1 inch hehehe)

33: sharing a good meal!

34: Freemasonry!

35: Astronomy......I have a 14 inch reflector telescope!

36: singing!

37: amature dramatics!

38: Coronation street!

39: The Telegraph!

40: fresh warm sheets on the bed!!

41: Richard Hammond (for obvious reasons *coughs*)

42: thunderstorms!!

42: packing for a trip away!

43: reading the Tarot!

44: my portabel DVD player!

45: smartly dressed people!

46: pole dancing (yes I still do this!)

47: the writer, Phillipa Gregory!

48: my black Prada boots!

49: blue skies!

50: 747-400 aircraft!

51: dandelion and burdock! my favorite soft drink!

52: Welsh leek pie! (my grandmothers recipie! she was from Cardiff as was my dad)

53: hand written letters from friends!

54: learning new and unusual things!

55: reading National Geographic mag!

56: a lovely cup of tea!

57: spending time on my appearence and make up!

58: Clinique make up and skin care! (I use nothing else!)

59: knitting!

60: craft shops!

61: fake fur throw on my bed!

62: Bailiey's Irish cream cheesecake!!!!!!!!

63: swimming! (preferabally somwhere tropical)

64: applying Prada body cream after a hot bath!

65: my snuggly, soft dressing gown!

66: paper-weights!

67: Lindt chocolate!

68: my swimming pool! (though obviously not at this time of year, even though it is heated!)

69: cute guys in glasses!!

70: having a manicure!

71: Bergamott oil

72: white tartan!

73: my 1973 Gabrialle designes Paddington bear!

74: Balinese Gamelan orchestra!!

75: making my own travel documentaries!

76: playing Darts

77: Snooker both playing and watching!

78: memories of my Dad!

79: long warm summer evenings in the garden!

80: feeding the birds at Billing Mill

81: bathing Sirius!

82: following breaking news on Twitter

83: Playing Tetris!

84: chatting to Mum on the phone of an evening!

85: Sunday lunches!

86: cooking!

87: warming supper in winter!

88: New Dr Who (yes fairly low down on my list!)

89: Father Ted!

90: Carry on films!

91: Moby!

92: lava lamps!

93: Hats!

94: drinking mango lassie!

95: Mushroom lasagne!

96: loving the supernatural!

97: smoking!! (yes I go actually enjoy smoking!)

98: appriecaiting the finer things in life!

99: planning and organising!

100: making pointless lists!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!