Certainly NOT doing any Christmas shopping today!

Today is probabally going to be the biggest Christmas shopping day of the year, or so they said on the news this morning, so I am avoiding town like the plauge today (will be doing most of it in London midweek anyway!) Northampton can be a total nightmare when its busy as I have blogged before....you have to be on your guard for huge prams (baby buggies) shoving you at supersonic speed!!! Scowling chavvie teenage mums with billions of skwarking chavletts ( if you dont get out of the way fast enough!!!!) The elderly on scooters zipping around like Michael Schumacher!!! (I have nearly been knocked flying by a lot of these) The self important, barging about like there is no-one else in the world and people walking straight into you for absolutly no reason at all....Morrisons, yesterday gave me a taste of all this, as it was absolutly packed when I went shopping. In fact at one point I was stood for agers waiting to get past a couple of elderly women blocking my way!! I firmly belive you should have to pass a test to push a supermarket trolly!!! Its a sad fact that at this time of year people seem to go onto automatic "I am the only person in the world" mode and any form of politness and "excuse me's" appear to fly out of the window!!!
So much for the season of good will!!
Anyway, Mum is coming for a quiet lunch, and Derek is busy taking his computer apart piece by peice as its stopped working yet again...should be a peacfull day!!
But at least I wont be in town getting injured by an insane number of chav prams!!

